Safety Awards

There are two annual safety awards for which members may apply. The CCIA Safety Recognition Awards and Platinum Level Awards, and the National AGC Safety Awards (NASA). View the Safety Award Winners page to see the latest award winners.

CCIA Safety Recognition Awards Program and Platinum Level Awards

The Connecticut Construction Industries Association proudly presents Safety Recognition Awards each year to member companies that apply and meet certain specified criteria. CCIA's Safety Committee encourages safety in construction and recognizes companies that maintain a formal safety and health program or related policies and procedures. 

In order to recognize and reward those construction firms that have met or exceeded national safety statistics, CCIA offers the Platinum Level Award. If your firm wishes to be considered for a Platinum Level Award, the Platinum Application must be submitted in conjunction with the Safety Award Application. 

How to Apply:  Applications for the 2024 awards are closed.

Awards will be presented at the CCIA Annual Holiday Reception and Meeting.

National AGC Safety Awards (NASA)

The National AGC Safety Awards program offers AGC members an opportunity to evaluate their safety records. Participating members receive a confidential printout to compare their company's safety statistics with similar size and type AGC members both locally and nationally.  The NASA provides a great opportunity for members with excellent safety records to compete for nationally recognized awards. Additionally, this information can be used to assist in determining if additional accident prevention and loss-control measures are necessary. View the 2022 NASA winners.

How to Apply: Applications for the 2023 awards are closed. Applications for the 2024 awards will be available in December 2024. The 2023 NASA Certificates will be presented at the AGC of CT Industry Recognition Awards Dinner on October 17, 2024. 

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